信件 - 178 Backpacker 預約
開始準備去澳洲期間,要先預約很多事情,當然包括第一天開始的落腳之處。然而經過多方討論,決定要去 178 Backpacker (可以看看網路上的評價)這間。
後來預約之後,意外遇到客棧的 3週年,居然有特價!!超開心的。
Thank you for your reply. Everything has confirmed so see you at Perth178 on 28th.
Good news for you 178 is celebrating its 3 year anniversary with special offers for all backpackers/bookings in July and August(2014).
1. Any bookings for 4 weeks or more: 8 share room is $130(pw),6 share room is$140(pw), 4 share room is $150(pw), double room is $360(2 people pw)
2. Any bookings for 2 or 3 weeks: 8 share room is $140(pw),6 share room is $150(pw), 4 share room is $160(pw), double room is $370(2 people pw),
3. Any bookings for 1 week:,8 share room is $150(pw),6 share room is $160(pw), 4 share room is $170(pw), double room is $380(2 people pw)
These special offers will only be for July and August. Book as soon as possible before we are fully booked!
From Cindy
自己還有點白癡,怕Check out 時間有誤,與怕擔心搭不上特價,還又寫信去問:
I have a question. According to your special offer, will my reservation on 7/28 apply for this special offer?
Also, I'm planning to stay for a "week," so does that mean my check-out date is on 8/4?
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